We handle all aspects of trademark law issues such as trademark registration in Germany, the European Union and other countries world wide, purchase, sale or licensing of trademarks and advice and enforcement of trademark rights.
Ask us, we will be pleased to help you.
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Inquire now for trademark registration
Let us assist you in establishing, keeping and enforcing trademark rights at a multinational level. Our state-of-the art technological platform allows us to provide timely and cost-efficient advice in connection with the suitability of marks for registration, existence of prior registrations and applications, filing applications and obtaining registration, opposition proceedings, proper use of trademarks and renewing registrations. Furthermore, we assist in the negotiation and drafting of agreements for the purchase and sale or licensing of trademark rights and their registration.
We are admitted to represent cases before the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the EUIPO, the World International Property Organization (WIPO) as well as before the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
We assist our clients in all steps of the prosecution phase of IP management. Through our worldwide network of highly experienced patent and trademark professionals we cover almost all jurisdictions of the world in prosecution and contentious matters.
Your Benefits
- Experienced and highly qualified patent and trademark professionals
- Worldwide representation through an established global network of local representatives
- Single point-of-contact for worldwide IP outsourcing
- Cost-efficiency and transparency including non-key countries
- Efficient and streamlined internal processes
- Flexible processes to meet your organization’s needs
ContactIn case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jens Liesegang, Attorney at Law, Managing Partner and Certified IP Lawyer | Learn moreTo learn more about the fees and how to register a trademark in Germany or the European Union please or other countries see trademark registration or trademark search |
Our Trademark Related Advisory Services
trademark registration and protection
- Advice on the best protection strategy
- Trademark registration in Germany, the EU and worldwide
- Trademark searches for availability and risk of collision
- Monitoring of existing trademarks
- Trademark renewals and portfolio management
Representation in dealings with authorities and in court
- Representation in opposition proceedings before trademark offices
- Defense against cancellation requests
- Representation before the Federal Patent Court and the European Court of Justice
- Enforcement of trademark rights against infringers
- Defense against unjustified claims by third parties
International brand strategies
- Development of global trademark protection strategies
- Coordination of international trademark applications
- Advice on country-specific particularities
- Management of trademark portfolios worldwide
Contract drafting and licensing
- Drafting and negotiating trademark license agreements
- Advising on co-branding and merchandising
- Drafting trademark assignment agreements
Combating trademark infringement
- Taking action against product piracy and trademark infringement
- Border seizures
- Advice on online trademark infringement and domain disputes
Strategic brand consulting
- Development of brand strategies for companies
- Consultancy on brand exploitation and monetization
- Due diligence for corporate transactions