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UDRP, ADR and URS Domain dispute resolution

We have developed an reputation as leading experts in the field of domain names. We have handled many civil litigations in Germany, at EU level and in collaboration with our esteemed foreign associates in other jurisdictions involving domain names, spanning industries such as food and beverages, hospitality, computer and electronics, and media and entertainment.


Our lawyers handle domain name disputes each year and have filed or defended complaints under ICANN’s Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy for small and globally active clients. We have addressed a wide variety of factual scenarios and issues with these complaints. LP's experience stretches well beyond Germany. We have coordinated or assisted with litigation involving generic top-level domains and country-code top-level domains in many foreign countries.


Because of the pervasive nature and extent of cybersquatting and infringement activity on the Internet, we have advised clients on developing domain name registration strategies to help avoid or minimize more costly enforcement work down the road. We also help clients manage and set priorities for enforcement efforts by developing specific guidelines and strategies.


Our domain name and Internet expertise derives not only from our extensive practical experience in handling such matters, but also from technical knowledge on these topics.